Thursday, January 29, 2009

Day 16

What movie features Sharon Stone in outfits designed to match Kim Novak's from Vertigo?  Basic Instinct

What 1995 movie was the first film to feature characters who attend weekly "plastic corrosion awareness meetings"?  Toy Story

What movie did Warren Beatty opt to shoot in seven basic comic book colors?  Dick Tracy

What cinema smash hit did cynical critics call "Die Hard on a bus"?  Speed

What infamous ship name was revealed on the bad guys' sinking tanker in Waterworld?  Exxon Valdez

What movie character shilled for Virgin "Shag-lantic" Airways by chirping, "Five times a day? Yeah, baby"?  Austin Powers

What Muppet Christmas Carol star admitted that as a child, his mum pasted his ears to his skull to keep them from sticking out?  Michael Caine

What reality show debuted in New York City with an angst-ridden cast of Eric, Julie, Heather, Becky, Kevin, Norman and Andre?  The Real World

What 71-year-old actor celebrated his Oscar win by doing a set of One-handed push-ups on stage?  Jack Palance

What year was the Earth supposed to erupt in nuclear fire, in Terminator 2: Judgment Day?  1997

Who got hitched to director Sofia Coppola the same year he was nominated for an Oscar for Being John Malkovich?  Spike Jonze

What movie first challenged Jim Carrey to use his butt to crack a joke?  Ace Ventur  Pet Detective

What movie prompted Richard Corliss to write a review in which the first letter of each paragraph spelled out: "SHE IS A HE"?  The Crying Game

What city did Nicolas Cage's film characters crash a plane, lose his fiancĂ©e in a poker game, and drink himself to death in?  Las Vegas

What animated Disney title character, originally modeled after Michael J  Fox, was later retooled to resemble Tom Cruise?  Aladdin

What was the first animated Disney feature not based on an existing story?   The Lion King

Who accepted her Emmy Award in 1998 by gushing: "This is for all the fat girls"?  Camryn Manheim

What actor got a record 11th Oscar nomination in 1998?  Jack Nicholson

What movie title was an anagram of Rocket Boys, the Homer Hickam book it was based on?  October Sky

What Oliver Stone movie was loosely based upon mass murderers Charles Starkweather and Caril Fugate?  Natural Born Killers

What Disney feature was the first animated film nominated for a Best Picture Oscar?  Beauty and the Beast

What updated Disney classic was the first animated feature to appear on giant IMAX screens?  Fantasia 2000

What National League baseball team's cap did Billy Crystal wear in City Slickers?  The New York Mets 

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Day 15

What blockbuster film used the working title Planet Ice to shoot footage off Nova Scotia?  Titanic

What president's real campaign footage appeared in Clint Eastwood's movie In The Line of Fire?  Bill Clinton's

What movie got Queen's 1976 hit Bohemian Rhapsody back ion the charts in 1992?  Wayne's World

What actor appeared in The Fifth Element and The Sixth Sense, buy not The Seventh Sign?  Bruce Willis

What movie gave Walter Matthau the chance to exclaim: "Eat my shorts"?  Grumpy Old Men

What multi-faceted character's voice did insult comic Don Rickles provide in Toy Story?  Mr.  Potato Head's

What name did little River Jude Bottom go by at the time of his death in 1993?  River Phoenix

What quizmaster did a questionable job playing himself in White Men Can't Jump?  Alex Trebek

Who wore 39 hats, 45 pair of shoes and 56 pairs of earrings as the title character in the movie Evita?  Madonna

What 1997 movie brought the Spice Girls to the silver screen?  Spice World

What pricey Kevin Costner movie was tagged Kevin's Gate and Fishtar months before it hit 
the theaters?  Waterworld

What big-screen butt-kicker was named a "sacred vessel" of Tibetan Buddhism?  Steven Seagal

What creature swallowed Jon Voight whole, in a 1997 movie?  An anaconda

Who appeared in the epic films Live Nude Girls and Porky's, before Sex and the City beckoned?  Kim Cattrall

Who strapped her breasts down and stuffed a sock in her pants, before auditioning for a role that won her an Oscar?  Hilary Swank

What movie did Roger Ebert say affected him more than All the President's Men, because " 
Watergate didn't kill my parents  Cigarettes did"?  The Insider

Who met Catherine Zeta-Jones at the Deauville Film Festival, and promptly declared: "I want to father your children"?  Michael Douglas

What film follows Cher and Dionne, "named after great singers of the past that now do infomercials"?  Clueless

What film did critic Janet Maslin describe as : "A gale-force movie with the energy to blow audiences right out of the theater"?  Twister

What actress declined Neve Campbell's role in Scream, opting instead to be bumped off in the film's opening sequence?  Drew Barrymore

What sequel had the working title I Know What You Did Two Summers Ago?  I Still Know What You Did Last Summer

What actor was the voice of the grown-up Kevin Arnold on The Wonder Years, before terrorizing young Kevin McCallister in Home Alone?  Daniel Stern

What movie was inspired by an animated Nike Super Bowl ad called Hare Fordan?  Space Jam

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Day 14

What film won an Oscar despite showing 1000 bare Scottish butts mooning King Edward I?  Braveheart

Who told a 1999 Oscar crowd, "Now my body is in tumult because it is a colossal moment of joy"?  Roberto Benigni

What Mel Gibson movie was inspired by an epic poem scribbled by Blind Harry the Minstrel?  Braveheart

What game did Suyuan, Lindo, Ying-Ying and An-Mei play, in The Joy Luck Club?  Mah-Jongg

What Babylonian king was Morpheus' hovercraft named after, in The Matrix?  Nebuchadnezzar

What film convinced Billy Bob Thornton to dump Laura Dern and run off with co-star Angelina Jolie?  Pushing Tin

What Hollywood rating was concocted to replace X-rated movies?  NC-17

What Chicago film critic launched an annual festival of "overlooked" films in Champaign-Urbana, Illinois?  Roger Ebert

What Polish locale was off-limits for the filming of Schindlers's List, prompting Steven Speilberg to build a replica just outside its gates?  Auschwitz

What actor dropped dead of a heart attack during the filming of Gladiator, forcing Ridley Scott to superimpose his head on another actor's body?  Oliver Reed

What movie has Jack Nicholson's character describe women as men without reason and accountability"?  As Good As It Gets

What film opened the day after scientists claimed they'd extracted DNA from a 120-million-year-old weevil stuck in tree sap?  Jurassic Park

What High-tech movie gave the world the memorable motto: "There is no spoon"?  The Matrix

What Coen brothers movie takes place mostly in Minnesota, despite its title?  Fargo

What reminder of Dead Man Walking is on display in Susan Sarandon's guest bathroom?  Her Academy Award

What movie villain griped: "I didn't spend six years in Evil Medical School to be called "Mister"?  Dr.  Evil

What actress in anticipation of her nude scene with Leonardo DiCaprio, flashed him the first time they met?  Kate Winslet

What 1996 movie featured John Travolta as a molting angel who smelled like cookies?  Michael

Who prepared for  her role as a crackhead in Jungle Fever by not bathing for two weeks?  Halle Berry

What movie was filmed under the working title "The Black Hill Project"?  The Blair Witch Project

What 1990 movie was a hit even though a third of the lines were delivered in Sioux, and subtitled?  Dances with Wolves

What movie had is cast and crew rehearse on a NASA training plane dubbed the "Vomit Comet"?  Apollo 13

What Oscar-winning film was hyped in ads picturing a woman's belly button and a red rose?  American Beauty

What depraved cartoon pair hallucinate, in their film debut, a backwards recording of the phrase: "Everybody go to college to Study Hard"?  Beavis and Butt-head

What film rating was Henry and June the first movie to earn?    NC-17

What martial arts spoof was the last Chris Farley movie to be released during his lifetime?  Beverly Hills Ninja

What irreverent movie featured the musical number What Would Brian Boitano Do?  South Park; Bigger, Longer & Uncut 

Monday, January 26, 2009

Day 13

What did Kendra call the "lucky stake" she gave to Buffy the Vampire Slayer?  "Mr.  Pointy"

What actor said Con Air let him become the "first post-Heston, non-biblical action star in sandals"?  John Cusack

What role ensured Gene Roddenberry's wife Majel Marrett constant work in the first four Star Trek TV series?  The computer

What puppet from Late Night with Conan O'Brien popularized the catch phrase "for me to poop on"?  Triumph the Insult Comic Dog

What stars of Rambling Rose became the first mother-daughter pair nominated for an Oscar for the same movie?  Diane Ladd and Laura Dern

What sitcom featured a power-mad TV host who boasted he once "put a barbecue grill into geosynchronous orbit"?  Home Improvement

What actress had her toothbrush fall in the toilet on Seinfeld, before Sex and the City beckoned?  Kristin Davis

Who played Selena Quintanilla in a 1996 film, only to irk fans for being Puerto Rican, and not Tejano?  Jennifer Lopez

What kids' show host lived in a house with Chairry the chair, Clocky the clock and Conky the Robot?  Pee-Wee Herman

What animated cable classic debuted with a celebration of Yak Shaving Day?  Ren & Stimpy

Who played accident-prone Detective Nordberg in the Naked Gun movie series?  O J  

What sitcom character snapped back at Dan Quayle: "I'm glamorizing single motherhood? 

What planet is he on"?  Murphy Brown

What Seinfeld character eschews fruit because it makes him incontinent, an the beach because he freckles?  Newman

What HBO talk show parody began: "Live, on tape, from Hollywood "?   The Larry Sanders Show

What type of oil filled the prosthetic breasts that Saturday Night Live's Kevin Nealon suggested naming Implanter's?  Peanut Oil

What rapper-turned-actress drew her stage name from an Arabic word meaning "delicate and sensitive"?  Queen Latifah

What Kevin Costner movie was originally scripted to star Steve McQueen?  The Bodyguard

What awards show handed out its first golden buckets of popcorn in 1992?  The MTV Movie Awards

What Brooke Shields sitcom ended its first season with a high-stakes poker game involving Willie Brown, John McEnroe, Mr  T and Donald Trump?  Suddenly Susan

What 1992 hit movie saw its star shipped to a holding pen in Iceland six years later?  Free Willy

What network was started by Ted Turner to air the Hanna-Barbera collection he'd acquired?  The Cartoon Network

What cartoon duo's theme song promises: :They fight! And bite! They fight an bite and fight"?  Itchy and Scratchy's

What type of animal was Morty, who was paid $5000 to be in Northern Exposure's opening shots?  A moose

What are the reptiles Donatello, Leonardo, Michelangelo and Raphael collectively known as?  The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

What retailer hoped ads featuring Rosie O'Donnell and Penny Marshall would inspire folks to ship with a buddy?   Kmart

What actor two-stepped with a wolf namd Two Socks in a 1990 Academy Award winning film?  Kevin Costner

What Brad Pitt bomb did Star Wars fans buy tickets to, just to see the preview for The Phantom Menace?  Meet Joe Black

What Jonathan Demme thriller was the first film released on video before winning a Best Picture Oscar?  Silence of the Lambs 

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Day 12

What Nickelodeon animated series was named after the cartoonist's apartment manager and one time college roommate?   Ren & Stimpy

What comic said "I'm outta here! to Saturday Night Live when he left in 1991?  Dennis Miller

What Seinfeld character often yelled "Get Out" while delivering a savage two-handed push to the chest?  Elaine

What animated family typically kicks off each show by kicking back on the couch in their Evergreen Terrace home?  The Simpsons

What cable channel unleashed the two-headed CatDog  upon an unsuspecting viewing public?    Nickelodeon

What actor locked lips with Larry King to close a rare on-air interview?  Marlon Brando

What club do the Beverly Hills 90210 gang open u next to the Peach Pit diner?  The Peach Pit After Dark

What cop show lingered over the death of detective Bobby Simone for five long episodes?  NYPD Blue

What former Cheers character could be reached at 555-KACL in Seattle?  Dr . Frasier Crane

What White house cabinet member did Will Ferrell portray on Saturday Night Live in a royal blue dress and pearls?  Janet Reno

What NBC soap opera outlasted the spin-offs Somerset and Texas before ending a 35-year  run?  Another World

What TV movie showcase introduced mechanical quipsters named Gypsy, Tom Servo and Crow?  Mystery Science Theater 3000

What company did Carson Productions spin-off to produce David Letterman's Late Night show?  Worldwide Pants

What sit-down comic spent six-and-a-half years as Conan O'Brien's late-night second banana?  Andy Richter

What did Kramer dub "the dreaded apparatus," "Wet and Wild" and "The Big E," on Seinfeld?  An enema

What Fox sitcom rewrote Peg's on-air pregnancy to be her husband's bad dream, after the star miscarried in real life?  Married    with Children

What animated sitcom clown is the son of a very disappointed Rabbi Hyman Krustofski?  Krusty the Clown

What Cartoon Network show headlines a brother and sister from two different species?  Cow and Chicken

Who was the only female cast member to endure the decade-long run of Beverly Hills 90210?  Tori Spelling

What sitcom character lost at Jeopardy! despite categories like Civil Servants, Stamps from Around the World, Mothers and Sons, and Beer?  Cliff Clavin

What one-time Good Morning America anchor helped open the door for celebrity drug endorsers with TV ads for Claritin?  Joan Lunden

Who was Studio 33 at Television City named for, to mark The Price is Right's 5,000th episode?  Bob Barker

What soap opera about the Abbott, Newman and Winter clans is set in fictional Genoa City?  The Young and the Restless

What cable-access TV show from Aurora, Illinois is broadcast from the Campbell family basement?  Wayne's World

What TV series let Shannen Doherty show Aaron Spelling she can play a witch as well as a bitch?  Charmed

Who played a transvestite DEA agent on Twin Peaks before a juicier FBI role beckoned?  David Duchovny

What TV show shot Joel and the bots into endless orbit on the Satellite of Love?  Mystery Science Theater 3000

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Day 11

What haunting exotic dancer did Chris Kattan portray on Saturday Night Live?  Mango

What PBS series did Dick Cheney send to Iraq, to inspire Norman Schwarzkopf to be more aggressive?  The Civil War

What bouncy series was the first American TV series to air in mainland China?  Baywatch

What former writer of The Simpson's was tapped to host a network late-night talk show?  Conan O'Brian

What teenaged vixen did Alyssa Milano, Drew Barrymore and Noelle Parker all portray in TV movies?  Amy Fisher

Who was the first former Saturday Night Live star to be nominated for an Oscar?  Dan Akroyd

What did a Soprano wiseguy place in FBI snitch Jimmy Altieri's mouth when he was "whacked"?  A rat

What flag did Morimoto Masaharu, the third Iron Chef Japanese, wear on his back of his outfit?  The U S  flag

What neighboring community grows food for The Powerpuff Girls' hometown of Townsville?  Farmsville

What MTV show offered a glimpse into the life of HIV-positive Pedro Zamora, who died the day after the final show was aired?  The Real World

What Clair Danes series bit the dust after one season, despite a fan movement dubbed "Operations Life Saver"?  My So-Called Life

What animated doofus was the first to scale Springfield's Mt  Murderhorn, and leave his wallet there?  Homer Simpson

What future trivia-show host finished dead last both times he appeared on Celerity Jeopardy?  Regis Philbin

Who dreamed of becoming a funeral director as a girl, before movies like Girl, Interrupted interrupted her plans?  Angelina Jolie

What TV talk show gave away Tickle Me Elmos by tossing them at the studio audience?  The Rosie O'Donnel Show

What art historian observes vows of solitude and silence when she wasn't hosting The Story of Painting on PBS?  Sister Wendy

What TV talk-show host first signed off in 1991 with: "Take care of yourself-and each other"?  Jerry Springer

What Saturday Night Live star warned slackers: "You'll be livin' in a van down by the river"?  Chris Farley

What actor's wife played Norm's wife Vera the few times her voice was heard on Cheers?  George Wendt's

What ABC police drama was limited to 37 off-color phrases per show, upon its 1993 debut?  NYPD Blue

What songbird uttered the F-word 13 times in one night on David Letterman's TV show?  Madonna

What Cheers character's beer bill at the end of 11 seasons totaled $64,218, according to TV Guide?  Norm's

What sitcom debuted with a n episode called: "The One Where  Monica Gets a  New Roommate"?  Friends

Who was the only cast member of The Larry Sanders Show to cop an Emmy?  Rip Torn

What sitcom character was the only dog to appear solo on an Entertainment Weekly cover on the 1990s?  Eddie